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Dumbells Duo Color Sinking Method Feeder 8/10 mm

Dumbels   Duo Color Sinking Method Feeder 8/10 mm

Sinking dumbells in two-colour version are
great for anglers who fish in
difficult and over pressured waters. Combination
of two colours and balanced flavours allows to highlight the bait and entices even cautious fish. Refined
recipe creates very
effective bait. Size from 8 to 10 mm in the 50g jars.

Halibut - Garlic FM-DSD01
Halibut - Krab FM-DSD02
Marzipan - Honey FM-DSD03
Bloodworm - Maggots FM-DSD04
Tiger Nut - Corn FM-DSD05
Orange - Chocolate FM-DSD06
Strawberry - Halibut FM-DSD07
Strawberry - Krem FM-DSD08
Vanilla - Bloodworm FM-DSD09
Vanilla - Scopex FM-DSD10
Pineapple-tutti-frutti-strawberry nowosc.png FM-DSD11
Banana - Vanilla - Chocolate nowosc.png FM-DSD12
Peach-mango nowosc.png FM-DSD13


Halibut - Garlic FM-DSD01
Halibut - Krab FM-DSD02
Marzipan - Honey FM-DSD03
Bloodworm - Maggots FM-DSD04
Tiger Nut - Corn FM-DSD05
Orange - Chocolate FM-DSD06
Strawberry - Halibut FM-DSD07
Strawberry - Krem FM-DSD08
Vanilla - Bloodworm FM-DSD09
Vanilla - Scopex FM-DSD10
Pineapple-tutti-frutti-strawberry nowosc.png FM-DSD11
Banana - Vanilla - Chocolate nowosc.png FM-DSD12
Peach-mango nowosc.png FM-DSD13


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