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Cod fishing from boat wasn't so popular among anglers from inland regions. But in last few years cod fishing has become very popular. Every day many sea anglers go fishing and try catch good size cod. Fishing in deep waters requires special tackle - strong rods and reliable reels. The main and very effective lure in this kind of sea fishing are special spoons, that are known as pilkers. In our offer you can find wide range of different pilkers (in shape, weight and colours).

Cod fishing from boat wasn't so popular among anglers from inland regions. But in last few years cod fishing has become very popular. Every day many sea anglers go fishing and try catch good size cod. Fishing in deep waters requires special tackle - strong rods and reliable reels. The main and very effective lure in this kind of sea fishing are special spoons, that are known as pilkers. In our offer you can find wide range of different pilkers (in shape, weight and colours).


Pilkers There are 17 products.

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