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Braid JAXON Crius 8X Fluo

Plecionka JAXON Crius 8X Fluo

Contrasted yellow colour is highly visible on the surface of the water. You can precisely observe line movements and easy react to the finest fish strikes. Particularly useful when fishing for zander with the drop lure technique. Available diameters from 0.08 mm to 0.30 mm.

0,08mm ZJ-CVB008A Yellow fluo 5kg
0,10mm ZJ-CVB010A Yellow fluo 7kg
0,12mm ZJ-CVB012A Yellow fluo 10kg
0,14mm ZJ-CVB014A Yellow fluo 15kg
0,16mm ZJ-CVB016A Yellow fluo 17kg
0,18mm ZJ-CVB018A Yellow fluo 19kg
0,20mm ZJ-CVB020A Yellow fluo 22kg


0,08mm ZJ-CVB008A Yellow fluo 5kg
0,10mm ZJ-CVB010A Yellow fluo 7kg
0,12mm ZJ-CVB012A Yellow fluo 10kg
0,14mm ZJ-CVB014A Yellow fluo 15kg
0,16mm ZJ-CVB016A Yellow fluo 17kg
0,18mm ZJ-CVB018A Yellow fluo 19kg
0,20mm ZJ-CVB020A Yellow fluo 22kg


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