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Spinner Holo Select Garon Fire

Holo Select Garon Fire

HS Garon FIRE Spinners with weighted body, in bright colours, for catching sea trout in the river current and other predators deeper venues. The elongated Long type bade guarantees stable and attractive action underwater. It is also easy to retrieve near the bottom.

Garon Fire BO-JXN2 2 9g A, D, H, SX, T
Garon Fire BO-JXN3 3 13g A, D, H, SX, T
Garon Fire BO-JXN4 4 19g A, D, H, SX, T


Garon Fire BO-JXN2 2 9g A, D, H, SX, T
Garon Fire BO-JXN3 3 13g A, D, H, SX, T
Garon Fire BO-JXN4 4 19g A, D, H, SX, T


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