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Fly reels

Jaxon Trada Master


JAXON TRADA MASTER Openwork designed fly reel made from graphite composites. Very light and ideal for beginners. Available in 2 sizes. Spare spools also available.

Trada Master #3/4 KJ-TRB3/4 #3/4 105g
Trada Master szpula zapasowa #3/4 KJ-TRB3/4S 40g
Trada Master #5/6 KJ-TRB5/6 #5/6 121g
Trada Master szpula zapasowa #5/6 KJ-TRB5/6S 46g

JAXON TRADA MASTER Openwork designed fly reel made from graphite composites. Very light and ideal for beginners. Available in 2 sizes. Spare spools also available.

Trada Master #3/4 KJ-TRB3/4 #3/4 105g
Trada Master szpula zapasowa #3/4 KJ-TRB3/4S 40g
Trada Master #5/6 KJ-TRB5/6 #5/6 121g
Trada Master szpula zapasowa #5/6 KJ-TRB5/6S 46g

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